§ 7-1-1006. Inapplicable to certain official investigations.  

Latest version.
  • (1) Sections 7-1-1002 and 7-1-1003 do not apply if an examination of a record is a part of an official investigation by:
    (a) local police;
    (b) a sheriff;
    (c) a peace officer;
    (d) a city attorney;
    (e) a county attorney;
    (f) a district attorney;
    (g) the attorney general;
    (h) the Department of Public Safety;
    (i) the Office of Recovery Services of the Department of Human Services;
    (j) the Insurance Department;
    (k) the Department of Commerce;
    (l) the Benefit Payment Control Unit or the Payment Error Prevention Unit of the Department of Workforce Services;
    (m) the state auditor;
    (n) the State Tax Commission; or
    (o) the Department of Health or its designee, when undertaking an official investigation to determine whether an individual qualifies for certain assistance programs as provided in Section 26-18-2.5.
    (2) Except for the Office of Recovery Services, if a governmental entity listed in Subsection (1) seeks a record, the entity shall obtain the record as follows:
    (a) if the record is a nonprotected record, by request in writing that:
    (i) certifies that an official investigation is being conducted; and
    (ii) is signed by a representative of the governmental entity that is conducting the official investigation; or
    (b) if the record is a protected record, by obtaining:
    (i) a subpoena authorized by statute;
    (ii) other legal process:
    (A) ordered by a court of competent jurisdiction; and
    (B) served upon the financial institution; or
    (iii) written permission from all account holders of the account referenced in the record to be examined.
    (3) If the Office of Recovery Services seeks a record, the Office of Recovery Services shall obtain the record pursuant to:
    (a) Subsection 62A-11-104(1)(g);
    (b) Section 62A-11-304.1;
    (c) Section 62A-11-304.5; or
    (d) Title IV, Part D of the Social Security Act as codified in 42 U.S.C. 651 et seq.
    (4) A financial institution may not give notice to an account holder or person named or referenced within the record disclosed pursuant to Subsection (2)(a).
    (5) In accordance with Section 7-1-1004, the governmental entity conducting the official investigation that obtains a record from a financial institution under this section shall reimburse the financial institution for costs reasonably and directly incurred by the financial institution.
Amended by Chapter 344, 2011 General Session